Pre Order Consultancy

Personalized Service for Your Office Furniture Needs

At Office Furniture Tech Ltd, we offer a comprehensive pre-order consultancy service to help you choose the perfect office furniture. Our experienced consultants provide expert guidance, tailored solutions, and professional space planning to ensure your office furniture matches your specific needs.

Why Choose Our Pre-order Consultancy?

Expert Guidance

Get advice from knowledgeable consultants to select the right furniture for your office space.

Tailored Solutions

We offer customized furniture solutions that fit your unique office requirements.

Space Planning

Maximise your space with our professional layout planning.

Product Demonstrations

Experience furniture features firsthand to make confident decisions.

Budget Management

Find high-quality furniture within your budget, with competitive pricing and financing options.

How Our Pre-order Consultancy Works

1.Initial Consultation: Discuss your needs, preferences, and budget with our consultants.

2.Site Visit and Assessment: If needed, we visit your office to assess the space.

3.Personalized Proposal: Receive a tailored proposal with recommendations and a detailed quote.

4.Review and Finalize: Review and adjust the proposal, finalize the order, and arrange delivery and installation.

Contact Us Today

Ready to transform your office? Contact us at 01274 918101 or to schedule your consultation. Let Office Furniture Tech Ltd help you create a functional and inspiring workspace.